Fika?! // Welcome!

Welcome to my blog!

I’m so glad you stopped by. Let me start by explaining the blog name.

If you are not Scandinavian or familiar with the Swedish culture, you may wonder what “fika” is.

Fika (say feeka) is so important here in Sweden that it is both verb and noun. What is essentially a coffee break, is so much more here. Swedes (and everybody living in Sweden) take fika very seriously. Fika can be simple. At work, everybody drops whatever they are doing at certain times of the day (typically twice, once in the morning and once the afternoon) to gather, drink coffee (or tea) and socialise. The traditional fika includes serving sandwiches and/or “fikabröd“, cakes and pastries, such as the famous kanelbulle, the cinnamon bun (my favourite is the kardamummabulle, the cardamom bun, delicious!).

Socialising is a the most important aspect of the fika culture. In this blog I will share a mix of travel, culture, books, food, movies,… and other things I love and would talk about during fika. So let’s fika together!

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